We stand for LIBERTY, HONOR and DUTY. We recognize our duties to God, our families, our community, and, our country in that order.If you are unhappy with the direction which our republic is moving, join us and help us right the ship, one state at a time. Washington has failed us but we are 50 STATES (countries), divisible and sovereign that can fix the Union by holding DC to the highest law of the land, the US Constitution. It has the same Bill of Rights as does our SC Constitution. We don't need all new laws...we need our federal officials to obey the laws we already have!
Sacrifice is not preached anymore, only narcisism. Now is a time for sacrifice for our freedom and the future of our children. We gave up the culture war and now we are in trouble. It is time to take back the culture war and re-introduce the American values of God, Family, Community, and LIBERTY that made this country great in the first place. If you care about South Carolina, your county and America and are willing to take action, you are welcome and your efforts are needed. You are not too young for this fight! It is your state, your freedom, your family we are fighting for!We are unabashedly anti-Establishment! We are working to DRAIN THE SWAMPS! If you are MAGA, SC First, America First, a Patriot, or call yourself a REAL Conservative, you are already one of us!We meet Tuesdays at 5:30 PM at Raves Restaurant, 799 Highway 17 South Business Surfside Beach. See you there!.

We will also post our rallies, protests, parties and petition activities here. If you want to DO SOMETHING to save our county, we have plenty for you to do. This is a time for action not a time for fear or inaction. WE CAN WIN THIS BATTLE! America is NOT lost. All is not lost. There is no place for sunshine patriots here but if you are a "Winter Soldier" like the men who held on at Valley Forge over 200 years ago, WE WANT YOU! YOU CAN make a difference. The fake news wants you to think you cannot but you can and we will show you how.If you are not in the Grand Strand (Georgetown and Horry Counties) but would like to get involved, contact us and we will help you get a local chapter started in your county today. We will work with you as this is a concerted statewide effort not relegated to just one town, city or county. WE ARE ALL SANDLAPPERS. WE are all Americans. We are WE THE PEOPLE and America is about to witness the power of the People...We are ACTION oriented. The time for talk has passed. We do not have meetings about meetings. We meet to report our work and progress in an ACTION-BASED organizational structure. While we may have guest speakers and candidates at meetings, we are not here to try and vote our way out of this crisis or entertain you. We are doers and it is exciting to WIN!!! We have ACTION TEAMS to address the problems we are facing and the changes we are making in local and state government and critical issues. We post some of our current actions on this page and each team has its own subpage to allow you to get them suggested actions and reports. Some information is for members only but our public information is linked on this page


#CanceltheCancelCulture/1st Amendment Team

Fights #BigTechCensorship and the whole Cancel Culture in SC and America through online campaigns, protests, exposure of censorship of citizens and organizations.  This can be directing attention on corporations that are censoring or those companies that support censorship.

#AuditSC2020election / Election Integrity Team

Works on bringing integrity to the SC election system by fighting black box voting machines, restoring the lawful paper ballots, cleaning the “voter roll”, and demanding a forensic audit of the 2020 SC election.

Candidate Vetting Team

Collates data on candidates for public office, mostly at the local level.  Produces and distributes the information received to voters and the public.

Community Outreach Team

Coordinates with local charities, citizens or emergency services to coordinate aid as needed.  Provide volunteer action alerts to membership based on community needs.

Constitutional Carry/2nd Amendment Team

Pushes legislative action such as rescinding unconstitutional laws and passing Constitutional Carry bill in order to make SC a Second Amendment Sanctuary state.  Educate membership on the Second Amendment and responsible arms ownership.

Events Team

Create, plan and coordinate events for the organization and coordinate participation in events of other organizations.  Events may be recreational or the coordination with other team events providing logistical support.

Incumbent Score Card Team

Collate available data from SC General Assembly activities to provide voting records and legislative action of each local legislator into a score card.  Distribute that information to the membership and other organizations.

Internet/Social Media Team

Manage organizational Internet presence on web sites and social media.  Generate content for social media and raise engagement on social media and video sites.

Legislation & Pushback Agenda Team

Follow bills sponsored, draft bills for presentation to the legislature and create petitions for pushing bills through the legislature.  Primary focus is on SC legislation not federal legislation.  Currently pushing bills through from the “Push Back Agenda”.

Medical/Martial Law (#BurnYourMask) Team

Monitor, report and fight all aspects of the COVID19 medical tyranny in SC and America.  Educate the membership on all aspects of the COVID19 actions by all government agencies including treatments, alleged vaccines, quarantine and PPE policies and their safety and efficacy. Draft policy recommendations for the organization to this end.

Recruitment Team

Guide and plan recruitment efforts for the organization.  Maintain membership list and membership guides and forms.

Post card Team

Design, plan and generate postcards for the membership and the public to push organizational agendas and deal with legislation.

Voter Registration Team

Provide materials for voter registration to local voters.  Plan and coordinate public voter registration venues or events for the organization.

Actual Team Leaders, Founders & Staff

We will be posting our team leader names and maybe pictures soon as well as our founders.  For now, we will list some information as it is important to know who you are dealing with in vetting an organization.  We try to be open and transparent as possible.

Our founders are Amit Netach and Ken Moran who are former cofounders of multiple regional Tea Party organizations as far back as 2007.  They were cofounders/charter members of two Tea Party organizations in the Myrtle Beach area.  They both agree on and have supported MAGA and America first internationally and South Carolina first domestically as the guiding principle to all political action and policy.  They founded the organization on the principle that this position should guide ALL elected officers of all levels of American government to serve and put their direct constituents FIRST with abject disregard for any other interests of other states, officials, lobbyists, corporations, elites and globalists.

Amit is a first generation American in his family and worked very hard for his US citizenship having lived most of his life in America.  He teaches that America is the engine that brought great light into the world advancing global technology & improved living standards and that America fought for justice with great sacrifice all around the world.  Having been born in Israel and lived parts of his youth in France and Germany before immigrating to America where he lived on both coasts, he has a unique perspective on culture and society.  He can compare not only the lifestyles and politics of different regions and states in America but also other countries.  Therefore, he is a staunch capitalist and Free Market advocate.  

This experience also allows Amit to guage societies and political structures by comparing and contrasting their values, professed goals, successes and failures.  Accordingly, he has been concerned for some years watching the steady decline in morality in America and the fading away of the Judeo-Christian ethic that made America great.  Being of Jewish heritage, he knows all too well where communism and social engineering leads.  Therefore, he stands for the original Constitution and calls for the removal of the 17th amendment to return power back to the several States and their people.

Ken has been a local political activist in Georgetown and Horry counties since at least 2003.  He served the local militia for years (3 Fire Departments where he served as a chief in one of them and the Winyah Rescue Squad), He has been a staunch constitutionalist having taken the oath of office.  He was a Ron Paul supporter and lecturer on the constitution and legislative action.  He served as legislative reporter for Myrtle Beach Tea Party and Grand Strand Tea Party.  He has founded other political action orgs in other counties.  He supports the SC & US Constitutions as well as rule of Law not Rule of tyrants.  He is a native born Sandlapper living in South Carolina his entire life.  He has traveled to other countries and understands the blessings of living in America and the duties of maintaining and fighting for liberty in America.  As a Christian minister ordained in 2003, he is also concerned with the waning of the Judeo-Christian ethic that is the moral backbone of America and the foundational principle of the Union.

It was his service of God that forced him to take a leadership role in educating and empowering his local communities and those across America to stand up and push back.  He teaches others how the political system works and how they can access and control the levers of power in South Carolina and ultimately the Union.  He also subscribes to states' right and the power of state nullification to correct and steer the federal government back into its constitutional restraints.  Having participated in world trade, Ken like Amit support free market capitalism not current CRONY CAPITALISM as the finest opportunity for reducing poverty and rewarding personal responsibility.  As a Christian, he openly decries corruption in government and immorality in politicians.